
Choose Your PLan

There is a perfect plan for everyone

Starter Kit


The Buddy System




LEarn More

Meet Total K9.  An hour consultation designed to demonstrate training techniques, discuss goals, and most importantly answer any questions you have. We know training is an investment, so we want to ensure you feel confident working with Total K9 for your training needs. 

Set your puppy up for success. This package focuses on building an engaged and confident puppy from the start. Total K9 will guide you on how to navigate the puppy stage through proper management, training, socialization, environmental work and play tactics. This program is 4 lessons designed for dogs 8-24 week old

Reliable obedience in a variety of environments. One on One Training is focused on enhancing your relationship with your dog through a clear communication system, obedience, play and proper use of the training tools. This package takes your training from the house to the real world in 6 lessons.  

3 Lessons to properly introduce and utilize E-collar training. The E-collar is a great tool for most dog. Take your training to the next level with reliable off leash obedience. This package is only available as an addition to the “Buddy System”.